About Industria

——— About Industria ———

Industria's six originates from Italian "Industrial".
Work, hobbies, put important things in living, carry, carry,
And we are developing and manufacturing and manufacturing genuine leather products and bags considering using.

——— Commitment to Japan

All products are sewing one by one of the Japanese craftsmanship.

It was assumed to use for a long time for a long time,
We will deliver high quality and reliable durable products.

——— Senichiro's Manufacturing

One of the products, listen to the voices of professionals in that area,
In search of practicality, rationality and robustness along each purpose
Directions from design and design to semi-pile by selecting material selection and sewing.

Product Designer Half Koichiro's way of thinking about manufacturing
Correctly functioning for all decorations and waste,
The result is to follow the quality and beauty.

——— Senichiro's Manufacturing

One of the products listen to professional voices in that area, and in direct performance, rationality, and robustness along the purpose of each product, and the design and design is a decisive direction, and half piled out of sewing.

Product Designer Half Koichiro's construction concept is to distinguish all decorations and waste, and to pursue the resulting quality and beauty.

——— Providence unique practicality

For example, camera bags are
Because the designer half pile itself is a professional camera man,
Verify functionality and practicality to details, and develop and develop them
Furthermore, it has been commercialized through a practical test for more than a year by a coverage photographer.

Lightweight simple design and robustness that can withstand long-term use of more than 10 years
Industria's creation spirit is sublimation.

In terms of simple, light, epidemic, gender, age, more than 20 years and 20 years have increased attachment.
We will deliver such an industrial "manufacturing".

He has been working with product design such as bags for over 30 years
It is a "manufacturing" project by Sanichiro Senichiro.
He founded by his own and served as a product designer for many years
Based on the development manufacturing know-how accumulated in the past, we pursue more expertise,
I will design new value.
Besides design and consulting operations, we also support OEMs that make use of a wide range of production backgrounds.

——— Half Koichiro Profile

Product designer
Japan Advertising Photographers Association Main Members

After graduating from the Masawa Design Research Institute, after shoes, jewelry company, etc.
1986 Started development of cosmetics pouches and makeup tools with his own design.

1991—— Established "ARTISAN & ARTIST * (A & A)"
He performs collaboration with bags, pouches, etc., collaboration with domestic and foreign famous brands.
In 1999—— Planning a camera bag and started sales because it was a long-standing Leica user.
year 2012—— Camera and PC bag "ICAM series"
Under the Japan Design Promotion Association "Good Design Award".
2013—— A & A After the company retires, he studied at Shiji Yamada.
2016—— He turned to a professional pica marchman and will be an APA Japan Advertising Photography House Association regular member.
At that time, know that there are a lover of a half pile bag on many members,
He has established "Hangui Project Co., Ltd." in December of the same year under he had requested new product development.
Expand "Industria" brand.

APA Japan Advertising Photography House Association regular member

———Half Koichiro Profile

Product designer
Japan Advertising Photographers Association Main Members

After graduating from the Masawa Design Research Institute, after shoes, jewelry company, etc.
1986 Started development of cosmetics pouches and makeup tools with his own design.

1991 Established "ARTISAN & ARTIST * (A & A)"
He performs collaboration with bags, pouches, etc., collaboration with domestic and foreign famous brands.
In 1999 He plans a camera bag because he was a long-standing Leica user and started sales.
year 2012 Camera and PC bag "ICAM series"
Under the Japan Design Promotion Association "Good Design Award".
2013 A & A After the company retires, he studied at Shiji Yamada.
2016 He turned to a professional pica marchman and will be an APA Japan Advertising Photography House Association regular member.
At that time, know that there are a lover of a half pile bag on many members,
He has established "Hangui Project Co., Ltd." in December of the same year under he had requested new product development.
Expand "Industria" brand.

APA Japan Advertising Photography House Association regular member

——Company Profile——

Store name Industria (Industria) Official Online Shop
Company Name Hangui Project Co., Ltd.
CEO Seichiro Senichiro
location 154-0024
Tokyo Sangenjaya 1-36-3 Lumine Sangenjaya 306
telephone number 03-6805-4747
email address >> Click here for inquiries form
Orders from the site are accepted for 24 hours 365 days.
Saturdays, Sundays and holidays are holidays.
Orders and inquiries during holidays will be addressed sequentially from the next business day.
Product Camera supplies, pen case supplies, leather accessories